Mr. Rijvan Beg is passionate about teaching and research. I have completed my master as an M.Tech in Information Security and am pursuing a PH.D. in Computer Science and Engineering Department from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal. Currently I am working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, NFSU Bhopal CAmpus.
GATE qualified in 2008 with 95.5 Percentile and All India Rank - 225.
I have more than 15 years of teaching and research experience at the UG and PG levels. In the field of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, I have published five (5) research articles in the high impact (SCI- Web of Science) journals of national and international repute. I am also serving as a reviewer for many Scopus and SCI Index- listed scientific journals.
Publication Nationa - 01, International - 04
SCI Index Paper - (Web of Science)- 02 Published, 01 is Communicated.
Scopus Index - 01 paper is published,
Petents - 02 Published, 01 is granted.
Book Chapter - 03 (Scopus Index)
No. of Publications
Research Paper
Book Chapter