The Department of Telecommunication (DoT), Ministry of Communication, Govt. of India and National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) have agreed to have a cooperation for increasing telecommunication security in India. Both premier organizations of Govt. of India signed MoUs (Memorandum of Understanding) on 25th July, 2024. Shri Neeraj Mittal, Secretary, DoT, Ministry of Communication, Govt. of India was present in a virtual mode during the MoU signing ceremony. In the august presence of Padma Shri Awardee Dr. J.M. Vyas, Vice Chancellor of NFSU; the MoU was signed by Shri Ravi A Robert Jerard, DDG (SRI) DoT, Govt. of India and Prof. (Dr.) S.O. Junare, Campus Director, NFSU-Gandhinagar for establishment of Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Telecom Security. Second MoU was signed by Shri Ravi A Robert Jerard, DDG (SRI) DoT, Govt. of India and Prof. (Dr.) Naveen Kumar Chaudhary, Campus Director, NFSU-Goa for establishment of Malware Lab at NFSU Goa Campus. Shri Ravi A Robert Jerard appreciated the research and development work, training and consultancy work being carried out by NFSU in various branches of Forensic Science and allied subjects. He also discussed to reinforce the security standards in the telecom infrastructure using this state-of-the-art CoE in Telecom Security along with 5G protocol stack and its security protocols. Prof. (Dr.) Naveen Kumar Chaudhary, Campus Director, NFSU-Goa briefed the dignitaries on various activities of the National Forensic Sciences University and its capabilities including academic, training, research & development, and consultancy. During the signing of MoU, Shri Ashish Thaker, DDG (T), DoT, GoI; Shri Sandeep Sawarkar, CGM Gujarat, BSNL, GoI; Shri Nitin Mahajan, PGM, Ahmedabad (BSNL), GoI; Cdr Anurag Vibhuti, DD, TCOE-Indiafrom the DoT, GoI; Deans and Associate Deans of various schools of NFSU were also present.