Re-Tender for the work of Demolishing of dilapated Permanent structure including costing of dismantle Material and clearing the site for new Construction as demarcated at NFSU-Tripura Campus (21/03/2025)
Supply and Installation of Financial Statement and Money Laundering Fraud Detection Tool - 1 Set (5 Users) at NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (Tender No: G_C_/C.PUR/3-58/2024/552)
Supply and Installation of Crime Tracer and Record Examiner Solution - 1 Set (5 Users) at NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (Tender No: G_C_/C.PUR/3-56/2024/551)
Supply and Installation of Corporate & Business Entity Data Metrics and Financial Profiling Tool - 1 Set (5 Users) at NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (Tender No: G_C_/C.PUR/3-55/2024/550)
Supply and Installation of A1 Based Mule Account and UPI Identificaion Tool - 1 Set (5 Users) at NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (Tender No: G_C_/C.PUR/3-54/2024/549)
Tenders are invited to supply and Install bench top refrigerator centrifuge with all compatible rotors and accessories. - 02 Nos. at NFSU (I), Uganda Campus
Re-Tender for the work of Demolishing of dilapated Permanent structure including costing of dismantle Material and clearing the site for new Construction as demarcated at NFSU-Tripura Campus
Demolishing of dilapated Permanent structure including costing of dismantle Material and clearing the site for new Construction as demarcated at NFSU-Tripura Campus (27/12/2024)
Tender invited for demolishing of dilapated structure including costing of dismantle Material and clearing the site for new Construction as demarcated at NFSU-Tripura Campus (04/12/2024)
Expression of Interest (EoI) for empanelment of partners for Cyber Literacy Program, Establishment of Malware Analysis Lab and Center of Excellence in Cyber Security (17/10/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Providing and Fixing M.S. Fabricated Staircase Ground Floor to First Floor firing Range NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (17/09/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Supply and Installation of Real –Time PCR- at National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU), Tripura Campus at NFSU, Tripura Campus (02/08/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Supply and Fixing of Wooden Partition different locations in training centre at NFSU, Gandhinagar for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (03/07/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Supply and Fixing of Furniture Work for room no. 007, NFSU, Gandhinagar for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (02/07/2024)
Notice Inviting Proposal for Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Chemicals, Plastic wares, Glassware, Reagents and Supply of Gas Cylinder & accessories and refilling of various Gases at National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) Bhopal Campus, Madhya Pradesh (31/05/2024)
Quotation for "Purchase of Materials for Industrial RO (500 lph) as per the at National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar". (Vendor preferably from Gandhinagar & Ahmedabad City)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Revamping of Networking for three computer labs at IFS building at NFSU, Gandhinagar - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (23/04/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF HIGH SPEED CAMERA FOR BALLISTIC APPLICATION, Unit-01 for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (17/04/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Supply and installation of Ballistic Comparison Microscope, Unit-01 for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (17/04/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Supply and installation 3D Back Face Trauma Scan System, Unit-01 for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (17/04/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Supply and installation of Ammunition & weapon Test Setup, Unit-01 for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (17/04/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Fragment Simulating Projectile Setup - Set-01 for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (09/04/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Forensic Workstation with Comprehensive Lab Based Mobile Forensic and Intelligence Solution, Vulnerability Scanner, interception with security testing tool and Computer Forensic Tool -1 No for the office of the NFSU, Uganda Campus (16/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Combo Gas Generators (N2,O2,H2,Ar,ZERO, AIR) with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (14/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Flash Point Apparatus with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (14/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Forensic Toolkit- Academic License with Standard Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (14/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Encase Forensic- Academic License with Standard Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (14/03/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Revamping of Networking for three computer labs at IFS building at NFSU, Gandhinagar - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (13/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of High-End Forensic Work Station with Standard Accessories - Set 02 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (13/03/2024)
Tender are invited online for the purchase of Electrostatic Detection Apparatus with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (06/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Thermal Conductivity Measurement Unit with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (06/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Video Spectral Comparator with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (06/03/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Multi Spectral Latent Fingerprint Detection Tablet with Standard Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (26/02/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of FT-IR with ATR and Standard Accessories- - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Pune Academy (22/02/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Stereo Zoom Microscope with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Pune Academy (22/02/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Auto Digital Density Meter & Auto Viscometer with Standard Accessories- Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (22/02/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Distillation Apparatus for Petroleum Products with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (22/02/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Genetic Analyzer ABI 3500XL with Standard Accessories - Set 01 for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (22/02/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Advanced Higher Spectral Document Examination System set-1 for the office of the NFSU, Tripura Campus (01/02/2024)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of High Performance - Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) set-1 for the office of the NFSU, Tripura Campus (01/02/2024)
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Hydraulic Hot press - 1 set for the School of Engineering Technology, NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (January 2024)
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of UV VIS NanoSpectrophotometer with Standard Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Pune Academy (December 2023)
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Comparison Microscope with Standard Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Pune Academy (December 2023)
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Refrigerated Centrifuge with Standard Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Pune Academy (December 2023)
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of RT-PCR Machine/ Gradient 96 Well PCR with Standard Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Pune Academy (December 2023)
Retender are invited online for the purchase of Spectro Flurometer for the office of the NFSU, Tripura Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4172) Date:07/11/2023
Retender are invited online for the purchase of HPTLC (High Performance – Thin layer Chromatography) for the office of the NFSU, Tripura Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4171) Date:07/11/2023
Tenders are invited for the Food Order for the INTERPA Event at the NFSU, Gandhinagar Campus (Tender No: NFSU/Pur./INTERPA/FOOD/2023/4115) Date:02/11/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Grid Ion Nanosequencer for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4048) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Fluorimeter for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4046) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Audio and Video Authenticity for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4045) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of UFED 4 PC with cloud – 3 year for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4043) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Auto Digital Density Meter & Auto Viscometer with Accessories for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4042) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Flash Point Apparatus for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4040) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of XRY-Mobile Forensic-3 Year for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4039) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Automatic Distillation Apparatus for petroleum products for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4038) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Handheld Narcotics Explosive and liquid chemical indefification device for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4037) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Oxygen Forensic Detective for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4036) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of DVR Recovery Software and System for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4034) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Combo Gas Generator for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4033) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Photoluminescence spectrometer for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4032) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Raman Spectrometer for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4031) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Genetic Analyzer for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4030) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Nanodrop micro volume spectrophotometer for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4029) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Video Image Enhancement and Analysis for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4028) Date:30/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./4027) Date:30/10/2023
Bids for booking of 110 Single Occupancy Rooms (+/-20%) from 21st November to 24th November 2023 for 12th INTERPA Conference and 24th Executive Board Meeting scheduled to be held at NFSU (27/10/2023)
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of various instruments for the office of the NFSU, Goa Campus (Tender No:NFSU/HQ/38/2023-PUR./3921) Date:19/10/2023
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of various instruments for the office of the NFSU, Tripura Campus and Goa Campus (NFSU/HQ/39/2023-PUR./3920) Date: 19/10/2023
Quotation for "Dismantling of Existing (Titled) Garden wall and new construction of the same RCC wall at NFSU, Gandhinagar". (Vendor preferably from Gandhinagar & Ahmedabad City)
Tenders are invited online for the purchase of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Core – 2 Core License Pack Education Academic Licences or higher (April 2023)